Media Stories Bollywood’s Mascot: Misha Arora’s Real-Life Journey Of Weight Loss To Becoming A Famous Nutritionist. Dailyhunt: Turning the weakness to the biggest strengths, Misha Arora’s real-life journey of becoming Nutritionist Us Times Now: Turning the weakness to the biggest strengths, Misha Arora’s real-life journey of becoming Nutritionist The India Saga: Misha Arora’s Real-Life Journey Of Weight Loss To Becoming A Famous Nutritionist. News Track Live: In Conversation with Misha Arora: How to be take control of your health and wellbeing Mid Day: Misha Arora: “Bodyshamers are the biggest obstacles in anyone’s weight loss journey” APN NEWS: How To Tackle Thyroid Weight Gain People News Chronicle: Misha Arora’s real-life journey of weight loss to becoming a famous Nutritionist